Societies & Events
I contribute to the organization of the Women in Cryptography (WinC) community, notably through the organization of the WinC Seminars as well as the organization of WinC workshops at Eurocrypt 2024 and Crypto 2024.
I am a member of the EPIC Comittee (EPFL PhDs in Computer Science Association) in 2022-2023 and 2023-2024.
In September 2022, I launched the Women+ in IC initiative for EPIC, which is now an independent association of which I am the president for 2023-2024. I have received the IC Distinguished Service Award 2023 for this initiative.
I was part of the Social Committee of the 2024 Joint Meeting of the NZMS, AustMS and AMS in Auckland, New Zealand.
I care about outreach and believe in the importance of sharing my work with the younger generations to get them interested in my field. I took part in the following outreach talks for EPFL :
- Summer School MINT - Köniz & Lebermatt Gymnasium - June 26th 2023 : “A Journey through the history of cryptography” Third version of my 3h workshop adressed at high school students. On top of the exposition to Caesar and Vigenère ciphers, this version focuses on giving a formal introduction to RSA, with a taste of provable security to study its security, a brief discussion of Wiener and Coppersmith attacks and an overview of side-channel attacks.
- EPFL Open Days - April 29th 2023 : “Humanités 2.0 - Cryptographie post-quantique et droit à la vie privée” A 12min talk in French adressed at a wide audience, mainly families, to present the research done at EPFL, with an emphasis on its societal implications and applications, followed by a panel discussion.
- Summer School MINT - Lebermatt Gymnasium - June 30th 2022 : “A Journey through the history of cryptography, and more…” A workshop of 3h adressed at high school student taking part in the MINT summer school organised by EPFL. This is an extended version of the previous talk, that additionally gives an introduction to side channels attacks (smudge attack on phone password, power analysis on password checking and timing attack on RSA).
- Thementag Gymnasium Thun - April 7th 2022 : “A Journey through the history of cryptography” A workshop of 1h30 adressed at high school students in their final years, with a large range of backgounds (scientific and non scientific). The workshop covers Caesar cipher, Vigenère cipher and RSA with some interactive exercises.
I have been a reviewer or sub-reviewer for the following conferences/journals :
- PKC 2025
- Eurocrypt 2025
- ACNS 2024
- Asiacrypt 2023
- Eurocrypt 2023
- ANTS 2022
- IET Information Security 2022